

2008 is to last one second longer - see article in the New Scientist


Idris Kahn

Idris Kahn is a photographer who has worked with capturing time in his work. 'It is often said that photographers freeze time, but Khan does the opposite. This can be seen most clearly in his remixes of Eadweard Muybridge's motion studies of the 1880s (a well-documented source of inspiration for Francis Bacon). Muybridge used fast-shutter speeds to break action into moment-by-moment increments, rendering movement stationary. Khan takes these sequences of isolated moments and unfreezes time by combining them in a single image. Muybridge's strictly mechanical record of a man getting out of bed becomes a vision of the unconscious lifting clear of the body, a dream of waking.' article continues here
Idris Kahn discussing his work


Richard Serra

There is a new BBC programme on Richard Serra everyone should see (it is only available on i-player until Tuesday). His work is about the inclusion of the viewer through movement, about place, and one piece in particular is about drawing people out to walk into the landscape and to see it with a changed/new perspective. All very relevant for the new project.
The free exhibition of his work is still on in London until 20th Dec so go and see it if you can.
Watch this
Free London exhibition details


Watch the Horizon episode on Time - What time is it? via the following link - this should be available for a week.


Anya Gallaccio

Anya Gallaccio's work deals with representing the passing of time and therefore is very relevant to the work of the unit. It is also a good precedent for those who are looking at ideas about decay / erosion over time.
Ikon Gallery


Olafur Eliasson

Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson explores our perception and individual experience through themes the unit deal with.
Olafur Eliasson


Field Course

Singing Ringing Tree visit 01/11/08.


The Museum of the History of Science

Good link to artists work inspired by themes of the Musuem of the History of Science and other Oxford Museums.

Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller Exhibition

Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
The House of Books Has No Windows
15 October 2008 – 18 January 2009 - FREE ADMISSION

Astrid recommends a visit to the current exhibition at Modern Art Oxford. More details can be found on their website.

DETOUR - traces of our time

Architecture and design along the 18 Norwegian national tourist routes. More details and a PDF of the catalogue/book available here.


The Corpus Clock & Chronophage

The new clock at Cambridge aims to represent relative time, and literally expresses minutes being eaten by the chronophage. The explanation of the mechanics behind it is worth seeing. Andrey found this link: Corpus Clock

Wind Powered Revolving Tower

Erica found these videos on David Fisher's design for a wind powered revolving tower.
CNN video
BBC video


Richard Serra Exhibition- London

Well worth a visit.
More details here.



Unit B included in Blueprint's review of 'Experimental Architecture
Units and the Best Student Work'. Image: Charlotte Bovis, year 2
free digital issue


2008 Summer Exhibition