
Biomimicry Institute

This site has a wealth of information and is well worth a look. 'Biomimicry is the science and art of emulating Nature's best biological ideas to solve human problems. Carbon-sequestering cement inspired by corals and energy efficient wind turbines inspired by schooling fish are examples of biomimicry happening today.' Janine Benyus (http://www.biomimicry.net/) has probably done more than anyone to reveal the way that natural organisms have adapted to resource-constrained environments. Amongst the most inspiring of these are the Namibian fog-basking beetle that creates its own distilled water in a desert; the bark beetle that can detect a forest fire at a distance of 80km; the abalone whose shell is a masterpiece of design and is twice as strong as the toughest man-made ceramic; and coccolithophores that build exquisite structures from calcium carbonate.' Michael Pawlyn Biomimicry Institute and also see Ask Nature.